Can You Use Gravel Boards as a Retaining Wall?

Over the years, gravel boards have become more and more popular in both residential and commercial sectors, but they are most often used as a way of installing fence.

But are gravel boards good for retaining walls? The short answer is yes. But there are a few things to consider before making up your mind. 

Gravel boards are often used as a way to create a decorative screen, or they can be used to hide unattractive sights.

They are also used to create a level surface, which means that they are popular for creating a flat area in a driveway or garden for example.

What’s a gravel board?

The gravel board is an important part of installing a fence, but not just any fence — a fence that’s going to be resisting a lot of moisture and, possibly, increase the height for privacy reasons.

Gravel boards are used by fence installers as a way to keep moisture from seeping through the fence material. 

In a typical installation, a gravel board is placed just below the fence, and then the fence is installed on top of the board. 

The gravel board is there to prevent moisture from spoiling the fence — if the fence rots or warps, then it’s going to need to be replaced.

One thing though, the gravel boards aren’t just limited to fences, either. 

They can also be used in the construction of walls.

You can purchase them at most home supply stores, and fence installers will often have them in stock.

Types of gravel boards

A gravel board panel is made of a variety of different materials.


Wooden gravel boards are the most common type, and they’re made from either treated wood or cypress. 

A wooden gravel board is easier to install than some of the other types of gravel boards, and it’s also relatively inexpensive. 

The downside is, it will rot after a couple of years, so it’s going to need to be replaced after this time.


Concrete gravel boards are made from concrete, and they’re very sturdy.

They are going to last a lot longer than a wooden gravel board, and it’s also a bit heavy, so it’s going to be a lot harder to remove.


Composite gravel boards are made from a combination of different materials like pvc, and they’re very lightweight. 

A composite gravel board is easy to install, and it’s also easy to remove if you need to move it.

Do gravel boards retain walls well? 

If you’re thinking of using gravel boards to create a retaining wall, then you need to consider the advantages and disadvantages of doing so.

Advantages of Using Gravel Boards as a Retaining Wall


The biggest advantage of using gravel boards as a retaining wall is that they are extremely easy to use. 

They are relatively light, and they come in a variety of sizes and styles. 

They can be purchased from most regular stores, and they are relatively inexpensive.


Gravel boards also offer excellent coverage. 

If you are using them to hide a view, then they will be able to cover the area completely.

If you are using them for a retaining wall, then they will also offer excellent coverage, and you may be able to do so without having to purchase any additional materials.


Concrete gravel boards can be extremely durable.

They can withstand a lot of moisture, wear and tear without showing any signs of damage.

They can retain an enormous amount of weight and withstand heavy use despite them being easy to install.

Disadvantages of Using Gravel Boards as a Retaining Wall

The biggest disadvantage of using gravel boards as a retaining wall is that wooden gravel boards are not very durable

If you use them to create a retaining wall, then you will need to make sure that you have a strong foundation. 

Without a strong foundation, the retaining wall will be very unstable, and it may not last for more than a few years.

Wooden boards are also prone to rotting. If you have a retaining wall made from such material, then it will be very easy for the wall to collapse.

Features of a good retaining wall

When you think of a good retaining wall, what comes to mind? 

At first, many think of a concrete wall with large blocks of cement, massive stone, or a traditional brick-lined retaining wall.

The truth of the matter, however, is that keeping the wall in its original design state is always the best, most secure, and enduring solution, as opposed to getting into the practices of making changes, adjustments, and constantly replicating the structure.

Removing and building up will not be good for your landscape. 

Maintenance costs will rise, and at the end of the day, you won’t be saving anything.

That is why many landscape professionals prefer a retaining wall to achieve the desired look and size, and provide a solid, permanent, and enduring structure for your landscape.

When you do choose a gravel board retaining wall, it’s important to have a professional design and build the wall to match your landscape design, rather than trying to fix it and trying to make it your own.

Excessive soil exposure can result in loosened soil and sloughing off from the walls, thus causing costly damage. 

The best solution for a retaining wall is to retain the natural soil pockets, so they don’t go to waste and end up in a landfill. 

A good retaining wall will ensure that the soil pockets remain in the correct locations, which helps conserve valuable soil space and reduces the need to take out soil in the future. 

It also helps the soil retain moisture, as opposed to letting it go, as rainwater and water runoff is the biggest culprit when it comes to loss of soil quality.

This is also an ideal solution for water-related problems in your landscape. 

For example, if you have a particular area where you have severe erosion problems, or if you have established a water pond or a pond that is dry in a dry climate, you can use a brick wall to protect your soil and plantings from any additional damage that can occur. 

This will protect your landscape from losing even more soil, and you can avoid the costly loss of plantings in the future.

Using bricks as a landscaping feature has been around for many years, but the biggest problem with brick walls is that it’s hard to find anyone who is good at installing and maintaining them. 

It takes a lot of work to make brick walls attractive to the eye, and this is why most people who build these retaining walls are not good at it.

This is a problem that may be solved by hiring a landscaping professional to build and install the concrete blocks or concrete blocks that you choose for your landscape, as opposed to doing it yourself. 

If you are trying to keep your cost down, the only way to fix it is to fix it and try to make it your own. 

It is important to maintain a high level of professional workmanship for any good work you do in your landscape. 

This is one of the reasons why many landscapers opt for brick walls in their landscapes, because they cost less, but they are also far less durable and harder to maintain than good landscape structures, such as concrete, stone or stone bricks.

Is using gravel board best for retaining walls

You can use gravel boards for a retaining wall, but it is important to consider the advantages and disadvantages of doing so. 

If you use a strong foundation, then you may be able to create a retaining wall that will last for several years. 

But if you don’t use a strong foundation, then the retaining wall will be very unstable, and it may collapse within a few years.

So how do you decide whether to use gravel boards for a retaining wall? 

If you have a small amount of space, then you should definitely consider using them. 

They are cheap, they are easy to use, and they offer excellent coverage.

If you have a large amount of space, then you should probably consider using a different type of retaining wall. 

It may be more expensive, but it will be more durable, and it will be much more attractive.


In conclusion, gravel boards can be used for a retaining wall, but you should consider the advantages and disadvantages of doing so. 

You should also consider the size of your property, as well as the size of the area that you are trying to retain. 

If you have a small amount of space, then you should definitely consider using gravel boards to create a retaining wall.

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